Treasures in Lewes is located at 116 Second Street in Lewes, Delaware 19958. Our phone number is 302-644-1660.
Current business hours for Lewes are:
Sunday - Thursday 10a - 5p
Friday & Saturday 10a - 5:30p
Summer and holiday hours are typically extended.
Treasures' sister store in Long Neck is located in Long Neck at Taormina Square (at the intersection of routes 24 & 5). Treasures in Long Neck is located at 36932 Silicato Drive, Millsboro (Long Neck) Delaware, 19966. The phone number for this location is 302-945-5300.
Current business hours for Long Neck are:
Sunday-Thursday - 10am-5pm
Friday-Saturday - 10am-5:30pm